So you’ve gotten braces. You’ve started a treatment that will probably last years, but will leave you with straight teeth, a well-aligned bite, and a smile that should last for the rest of your life. As a patient, there are only so many things you can do while waiting for your teeth to align. However, these simple steps can not only speed up your treatment, but ensure that your newly improved smile really does last for decades.
Follow Your Orthodontist’s Instructions
It may seem like a no-brainer, but many patients forget how important it is to follow their orthodontist’s instructions precisely. Braces are a complex process that involve constant adjustment, and failure to follow the scheduled treatment plan can prolong your treatment by months. In particular, wear your rubber bands the way your orthodontist has instructed. Rubber bands are inconvenient for speaking and eating, so many patients are tempted to remove them for long periods of time. While rubber bands should be removed around meals, the rest of the time, they should be attached to your braces, doing their work.
Maintain Rigorous Oral Hygiene
With braces, it may feel like your teeth are protected from decay and plaque. But in fact, maintaining oral hygiene is more important than ever while wearing braces. It’s easy to slack off and let plaque build up around the brackets or between the teeth. Some patients are dismayed to find that when their brackets are removed, permanent lines are left on the front surfaces of teeth. This problem is easily remedied by brushing vigorously around the brackets. An electric toothbrush is often helpful, since its circular motion cleans around brackets faster and more efficiently than a manual toothbrush.
Wear Your Retainer
So you’ve gotten your braces off. Finally, your teeth feel free. It’s tempting to believe that your treatment is done, but not so fast! It’s time to wear your retainer to ensure that your teeth stay in their new position. Your teeth have just undergone what was, for them, a stressful journey, and they need time to settle into the gums. If you don’t wear your retainer, your teeth will immediately start shifting out of position again. Follow your dentist or orthodontist’s recommendation for wearing your retainer, all day and night if needed. You’ll thank yourself years down the line for preserving that hard-fought dental work.
Braces do most of their work invisibly over time, but they also require your active participation. Make sure you get the most out of your braces treatment by following instructions and ensuring that your teeth stay in good health throughout the process. With enough care and diligence, you can make sure that the enormous benefits from braces last for the rest of your life.